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Wedding planning ideal jewelry details

Vestuvių planavimas – kaip suplanuoti tobulą vestuvių dieną: nuo vietos pasirinkimo iki idealių juvelyrikos detalių   Vestuvių planavimas įdomus, tačiau dažnai itin sunkus darbas. Tai diena, apie kurią daugelis žmonių svajoja visą gyvenimą, todėl labai svarbu teisingai išsiaiškinti kiekvieną detalę. Nuo kvapą gniaužiančios vietos parinkimo iki tobulų papuošalų, kurie papildo jūsų išvaizdą, suradimo – kiekvienas […]

Where to find a jeweler? Tips and ideas

Kur ieškoti juvelyro, kuris atitiks Jūsų poreikius?   Ruošiantis svarbiai šventei, tokiai kaip vestuvės, dažnai tenka išspręsti daugybę svarbių klausimų, o vienas jų – kur ieškoti juvelyro, galinčio įgyvendinti Jūsų svajones ir sukurti unikalius vestuvinius žiedus. Ši užduotis reikalauja ne tik laiko, bet ir atsakingo požiūrio, nes tiksliai išrinktas juvelyras gali padaryti Jūsų šventę dar […]

How are laboratory-grown diamonds different from natural diamonds?

What are lab-grown diamonds and how are they different from natural diamonds? Lab-Grown diamonds, also known as synthetic or man-made diamonds, are created in a human-controlled laboratory environment rather than formed naturally on Earth. Natural diamonds are formed in the lower part of the lithosphere of old platforms (peridotites, eclogites), at a depth of 100-200 km, at a very high (900-1300 […]

Wedding ring engraving, what to think about when ordering this service?

Gold wedding ring engraving and what to think about before ordering this service? Wedding ring engraving is a popular way to personalize jewelry, giving it a special meaning. Gold rings are engraved both inside and outside. Engraving can be done by a jeweler's hand or by laser. Laser engraving is quite popular due to its versatility, you can choose the most […]

How to choose a wedding ring?

How to choose a wedding ring? A wedding is an exclusive ceremonial celebration, during which two spouses bursting with love sign a marriage contract and officially legitimize their eternal love. Why is it important to choose custom-made wedding rings? Weddings are officially treated as an official celebration, although deep down, for everyone, it is much more than a formality. On this special day, we want no […]