Wedding rings of different colors of gold

Even classic wedding rings don't have to be boring

Even classic wedding rings don't have to be boring


Although more and more young people are choosing more modern rings for their eternal union, classic wedding rings are still the most popular choice. Solid wedding rings without sophisticated shapes and without inlaid stones are called classic. Usually only their shape, width, height, gold color and texture are played with. Even when choosing a simple, sleek shape with a shiny finish, more than one color of gold can be used!

Now it is extremely popular to combine gold jewelry of different colors with each other, so why not use different colors of gold in one product? Wedding rings can be made of white gold, but one edge is made of yellow. Or both are made of rose gold, with a straight or wavy band of white gold running through the very middle of them. In other words, simple, monochromatic wedding rings include an accent of another color that does not change the shape of the rings themselves, they still remain classic, but decorate and make them more interesting and unique.

An experienced jeweler will help you realize any of your wishes and help you decide on a design. The possibility of mixing gold of different colors in one product gives a lot of creative freedom. Wedding rings can be simply a decorative symbol of your love or have a special meaning, known only to you, hidden in the design of the rings.

What colors to use?

In fact, gold can have several colors, and those colors can have several shades. Red gold can sometimes be a bit softer, more pink, pink. Yellow gold can be extremely bright or paler, perhaps a bit like hay. White gold, when uncoated, is usually white with a slightly yellowish tint, also known as champagne gold, sometimes greenish if there is more brass in the impurities, and for those who want a completely dazzling white, white gold is coated with rhodium.

We recommend that you look around both online and live, which gold color is most to your heart, which combination would make you the most happy. There are various jewelry techniques that allow you to mix even all three colors of gold - white, red and yellow - in a very modern way. For example, the Japanese "Mokume Gane" technique, which not every jeweler can offer, can create unique, unique designs by mixing gold of different colors, thus obtaining a product that will never be made identically even by a professional in this technique. Such a product is like a fingerprint. It is possible to find a similar one, but never an identical one.

How are different colored wedding rings made?

There are various techniques for combining a second or even a third color of gold in the same product. Sometimes the colors are mixed during casting, sometimes a new color is poured into the left groove or engraved design, in other cases, parts of different colors can be constructed together - fused, braided together. The technique used to make your rings will depend on the design you choose. You can always inquire and ask the jeweler how the production process will be carried out after the selected design has been approved.

Personal style is worth considering

Of course, let's not forget that wedding rings are worn every day, rarely taken off, so you should also think about how they will match the everyday style of each of the young people. Women tend to wear more colorful clothes than men, and women also wear more jewelry. The greater the number of aspects to which the wedding ring will have to be combined, the more complicated it is to choose its color. This is where the idea of making rings using different colored gold comes in. A yellow and white gold wedding ring will go well with your other jewelry, even if you wear white gold accessories one day and yellow the next.

Combination of gold and gems

All of a sudden, there are people who dream of one or more precious stones encrusted in a ring. The most popular choice in this category is wedding rings with diamonds. You can make classic rings not only from different colors of gold, but also decorate them with an additional accent - precious stones. Rose gold and white gold wedding rings with diamonds are a great choice. Especially if a woman is going to combine her wedding ring with an already worn white gold engagement ring, a rose gold wedding ring with a white gold bezel is a great idea, which will match the first one perfectly.

If you are interested in wedding rings made of one, two or three colors of gold, we invite you for a professional consultation with RG Juvelyrika, we will provide you with all the information about ring types and designs, measure the right ring sizes for you, help you create a breathtaking design and provide you with preliminary prices. You can find us at Šeškinė st. 32, Vilnius or contact e-mail by post and by phone +37064705546 section Contacts.