How to find out ring size? A few tips

Here are some tips on how to find your ring size

Here are some tips on how to find your ring size


How to find out ring size? This important question arises both when choosing a ring for yourself and when buying for another person. When shopping for yourself, the easiest way is to just go to any jewelry store and try on rings in different widths. Usually, a narrower ring is slightly smaller, and a wider ring may require a slightly larger size. In the jewelry salon, you can measure the circumference of your finger with special gauges, and you can also bring one of your wearable rings, which is ideal for wearing, and find out its exact size. However, if you still want to find out your ring size without leaving your home, below we'll give you some options on how you can do it.

The most difficult thing is to choose a ring for another person without knowing the exact size. Engagement rings, birthdays or St. Valentine's Day gifts are often brought in for tweaking. Most of the rings are easily adjusted, so even if you buy an approximate size, you can increase or decrease it later. Of course, such a service costs additional money and your time, so it would be wonderful to immediately purchase a ring in the exact size that will not need to be repaired.

Most often, men face this question, "how to find out the ring size?", when they choose an engagement ring for their beloved woman, and newlyweds who choose wedding rings. Engagement rings are usually quite narrow, about 2-4 millimeters wide, so you don't have to choose a larger than usual size, which simplifies the process a little. Wedding rings are often ordered up to 1 cm wide. Rings from 5mm wide should be purchased approximately half a size larger than normal width rings.

Several options for finding out the size of your finger or someone else's finger:

  • Pick up one of the wearable rings and have it measured at any jewelry store or jeweler. Keep in mind that engagement rings are worn on the ring finger, so if you are interested in engagement rings for your beloved, you should measure the ring that the woman wears on this finger.
  • Talk to friends or family members of the person you are buying the ring for. Sometimes, close people can know the size of the finger or help to find it out.
  • Define the available, suitable ring on a piece of paper, this way you will have a circle the size of the diameter of the ring. You can measure it with a ruler or other millimeter gauge.
  • Compare your fingers with those of the person you are buying the ring for. You can measure yourself for the right size ring and remember on which finger the ring fits you comfortably or to which part of the finger.

We remind you that you can adjust the size of the ring in the future, so if you accidentally make a slight mistake, don't be sad. It's not uncommon for people to change ring sizes, not just because they bought the wrong one. Various lifestyle changes can change the size of your fingers.

Regular, classic rings can be enlarged and reduced very quickly and easily. If the ring is a bit more sophisticated, with various ornaments, or a lot of inlaid stones, changing the size of the ring can be a bit more complicated and cost more, but everything is possible in the hands of a professional jeweler. If your or the person's fingers tend to change their size, we recommend choosing simpler designs, or if you still want ornaments and inlaid stones - talk to the jeweler about it. It is always possible to find an original solution and design the ring in such a way that it is not too difficult to change the size in the future.

Engagement rings are one of the most frequently adjusted rings. Men often ask how to find out the size of a ring, but even after receiving countless tips, they do not always get it exactly perfect, one hundred percent. You can always bring your beloved to our jewelry salon after the engagement, where we will be happy to measure her ideal ring size and reduce or enlarge the existing ring.

The fingers of each of us are constantly changing. This is influenced by our age, weight, genetics, women very often face changes in ring size when expecting. Weather conditions can also affect your finger size. Colder, drier air reduces volume, while hot, humid air increases it. Some people feel these changes very strongly, their fingers can even change a full size in a year, while others - only a quarter or half of their size.

We invite you for a professional consultation with RG Juvelyrika, we will provide you with all the information about engagement, wedding and other rings. You won't have to think about how to find out the ring size, because we will professionally measure your fingers and also introduce you to the current trends. If you have special wishes, we invite you to send us your design ideas by e-mail or arrange a live meeting. You can find us at Šeškinė st. 32, Vilnius or contact e-mail by post and by phone +37064705546 section Contacts.